Energetic Leadership Mentor

Connecting to Source Resonance
with Ingvild
Trauma informed
is key
Your sovereignty stands above all
Activating Kundalini
& Higher states of Consciousness
In these sessions a field of high frequency energy and of non-dual states of consciousness allow your holistic system to RESONATE with it. Some people also call it a Direct Energy Transmission.
This work is always multidimensional.
The high Frequency resonance activates the process of:
- Awakening Kundalini
- Expanding Consciousness
- Non-duality
- Energetic frequencies/ light codes
- activation the self-healing capacities of body & mind
In other words; it activates a process of re-connection with your purest essence.
The awakening of the Kundalini can also be described as 'a conscious awakening of your (energetic) potential'. Kundalini is only a part of the process.
A profound rewiring of the brain structure and the central nervous system happens with continued resonance which we experience as a process of HEALING.
Every “symptom” or sign of a kundalini and spiritual awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants.
Shifting form Doing to Being
When receiving these activations in a session there is no DOING. The only doing is to shift into a state of BEING by surrendering to your own highest potential. Some call it 'the path of surrender'.
There is NO USE OF:
Methods, techniques or substances!
Not even of mind-guiding techniques or breathwork.
Nor do I work with deities or a guru
This allows the process of activating and re-connecting to your truest essence and highest potential to be completely unforced, aligned and organic.
It’s a natural energetic process where your nervous system, your sub-conscious and your higher energetic intelligence guide the journey, allowing you to open up in your own personal pace. You will experience and realize exactly and only what you need in each moment. Allowing your holistic system to naturally adjust.
When switching into the state of surrendering; high vibrational life force energy & consciousness will start to resonate from the crown of your head down towards the root chakra. This can be experienced as a flow of energy that gradually builds up and that can, over time or immediately, start flowing both ways.
During a session you may have different experiences. These experiences can be physical, emotional, visual or can be in experiencing deep states of bliss.

About Ingvild
as a Facilitator
Ingvild has a profound background in Personal development and spirituality. Her understanding of the work is a combination of innate Knowing, direct PERSONAL experience, continuing study, connecting many fields of knowledge, philosophy, skills, science and guiding thousands of people from all over the world though the process of
Inner Growth.
Besides holding an incredibly powerful and pure energetic resonance field with many beautiful high vibrational frequenties,
Ingvild is also very experienced and skilled in holding a safe and loving space for the human side of the experience. Integration in to our human life plays a key roll in Ingvilds way of guiding the work.
For the energetic work Ingvild trained with gaints in the workfield such as Pi Villaraza (InnerDance), Elliot Saxby (Kundalini Bodywork Level 1&2) & Venant Wong (KAP Level 1&2)
As well as having been initiated into Kriya Yoga Meditation (by Peter van Breukelen, first & second Kriya)
I don't believe I've ever experienced this level of joy in my life ever before.
Thank you for introducing me to Energetic Activations
Yvonne Willig, Artist

Videos about Kundalini Activations

What are the effects of Kundalini Activations?

Working with Surrender AND with Intension

Why we see so many moving people in video's of Kundalini Activations

About the 'Move your own Enegy' workshop
WHAT to expect in a SESSION
In an Activation session you simply will be lying down, music will be played and ingvild will work with you energetically and by touching different chakra and meridian points.
In her sessions Ingvild takes much time for introductions, explanation of the process, for sharing and for questions and integration.
Experiences during Activation sessions
Calming of the nervous system
feeling super relaxed, the chatter in the mind disappearing, feeling time disappears,
Energetic Sensations
all sorts of sensations throughout your body like pulsing, buzzing, flowing, change of temperatures
Emotional release
Reconnecting to emotions, expression and release of emotions such as joy, laughter, anger, sadness, crying or laughing without stories attached
Visual Activation
seeing colors, geometrical shapes, images, astral journeys, visions, 3rd eye activation
Emotions & emotional release
such as joy, laughter, anger, sadness
Physical activation
Bodily movements, shaking, arms/legs moving, twitches, REM movements with the eyes, wavelike movements throughout the body, yoga poses, dancing, mudra's.
Shifting into Non-Dual States
Losing sense of time and space, bliss states, deep calmness, peace, ecstasy, oneness, exploding Love, connecting to your soul and inner knowing, memories of past lifes.
Longterm Benefits of Energetic Activations
Everyone is more or less sensitive to this energy, it's just a matter of time. Some people need more time than others. The more Activation Sessions you do the deeper it can go and each session is different.
The benefits of Activating Your Essence are different and very personal for each individual. These are some of the benefits often describe:
Better focus, mental clarity, a natural state of mindfulness
Activating the self healing capacity of body and mind
Feeling empowered, speaking your truth
Reconnecting to your essence
Brighter vision, taste, touche sense, hearing
Expanded and integrated consciousness
A clear understanding of your emotions as a guiding system
Ability to make life changes with confidence
Release of trauma and blockages in a natural way without any therapy or words
Being unaffected by other's energy or state
Bringing you closer to your true self and innate wisdom
Reconnection to your life force energy / Kundalini
A deeper connection to others, nature, and all forms of life
A profound rewiring of the brain patterns and the central nervous system happens with continued exposure.
It's advices to do sessions regularly in the beginning to get fully activated.
Activation Sessions can be held in different forms, find our more about that here
Group sessions are for anyone who feels a yes to experience it.
However, Kundalini Activations Sessions in a group are not recommended for people who have (a history with) psychosis, epilepsy or similar diagnosis. If you relate to any of these conditions please contact Ingvild personally for a one on one session.
What others say about
Experiencing Activation Sessions

Jim Spaansen,
‘Already with the demo I felt the tears in my eyes of amazement, gratitude and happiness that this exists.
It’s so special, the energy transmission… and that it works in such an effortless way to bring people closer to their essence’
Yoga Teacher
During the session I could sometimes feel Ingvild presence. Sometimes with a light touch exactly at the right spots where I felt my own energy was stagnating. The touch would then help deep emotions, that where still be stuck somewhere in my body, to release and become free. Never before have I experienced in such a conscious way what it means to let go.
Something truly shifted within me; pieces of the puzzle fell into place. A feeling of peacefulness and clarity that is still with me even after a couple of days.
Ellen van Vliet,
Relationship Coach
I received two Activation sessions from Ingvild in a phase when my lust for life was far to be found.
Not only did the sessions give me insights into patterns that were ready to break, they also re-ignited my inner fire.
What I truly appreciate in Ingvild is that her whole way of being and the way she ‘works’ with makes you feel that you’re dealing with top class.
In a world where many call themselves expert after 1 workshop that is invaluable
Asked Questions such as:
Q: How can I prepare for a sessions?
Q: Are Kundalini Activation Sessions for everyone?
Q: What can I do after a session for better integration?
Q: There are many Kundalini Activating modalities. What's the difference or is all energy the same?
Q: “I did one Activation session but didn’t notice so much happening, while others had very intense experiences. How can that be, did I do something wrong?”
These and many more questions can be found on the FAQ page.
Different kinds of
sessions explained
This is a regular Activation Session with a 60 minute Energy Session and time for sharing, Q&A, integration and a cup of tea.
The whole of the session will take +/-2,5 hours
The groups go up to max 20 people joining.
Full Moon
The moon has an influence on the water on our planet. As our human bodies contain for about 70% of water the moon also as a profound impact on us.
Every Full Moon of the year has it’s own specific energetic impact.
When we experience an Activation session during the full moon, the life energy will interact with the energetic qualities of the full moon.
The class will be much build up like an open class
GO Deeper
In a Go Deeper Session we prolong the transmission to 90 minutes instead of the regular 60 minutes.
The longer transmissions can help us to go deeper into the experience, allowing us to touch yet deeper layers of our inner being.
For a private session (max 2 persons) I invite you to the Energy-workspace in my own home. I take all the time for you personally before, during and after the session. With a lot of attention for understanding context, questions and integration. If you like you can suggest songs so I can personalize your Activation Session-Soundscape.
A session will take +/- 2 hours of which 60 minutes will be the Energetic Activations Session. Afterwards you get a cup of tea and some lovely snacks.
Move Your
Own Energy
This is a special workshop that Ingvild developed to teach you the basics of how you can interact with your own energy, your electro-magnetic field and how to move energy through your body.
The Second Halve of the workshop is an Activation Session like you are used to with Ingvild holding the space.