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Embodiment Immersion

Supported with
Kundalini Activations | Innerdance |
Chakra Meditations | Embodiment practices 

Next Immersion in the Netherlands:
📆 New Date Coming Soon
📍The Netherlands

2 days into your essence

+ Integration ZoomSession

About this Immersion

This Non-Dual Weekend immersion is for those who have experienced Kundalini activations (KAP, LEAP, KES, NRGY, Kundalini Touch, Kundalini Bodywork or related modalities) and are ready to discover new depths in the expansion of their consciousness.


Allowing you deeper into the unthinkable potential of your essence. And (re)connecting to your most natural state of ALIVENESS.


The focus of this Immersion is on direct high frequency energy resonance to experience deep non-dual states of consciousness as well as the embodiment of these states and the wisdom they bring to integrate them into our humanness.


You will receive multiple diffenrt types of high frequency resonance sessions (some call it transmissions), ranginig from classic Kundalini Activations to the Stillness of Non-Dual sessions.

allowing your holistic system and your consciousness to open up to yet more profound and expanded frequencies.


This resonance and the potent blend of frequencies will stimulate a profound and lasting acceleration of your spiritual awakening and integration into your human-self.

The effects of the Immersion will be felt over long periods of time as they unfold and integrate

To guide you deeper with your integration process, part of the Immersion program is an Integration ZoomSession after the Immersion weekend.

KAP Non-Dual Immersion, Kundalini Activation Process, Ingvild Molenaar, Europe, Nederland



Next Immersion in the Netherlands:


+ an Integration ZoomSession


The structure and content of the Immersions by Ingvild is currently being re-designed. Details will follow soon.

The date for the Integration ZoomSession will be +/- 2 weeks after the Immersion
In the Integration Session: Guided Embodied Charka meditation, Sharing of the process with the group,

In depth guidance on requested themes, Q&A

Location Immersion:
The Netherlands




* It is highly advised to have received at least one or a couple of Kundalini activation (or life force, multi-dimentional, energetic Activation) sessions before joining this immersion as it helps your system to become more sensitive to the more subtle and refined non- dual frequencies

Abstract Background



For everyone who has experienced Kundalini Activations before, this is a beautiful immersion into the unity consciousness field directly.
Not to ‘go anywhere’ but to open up into inviting, allowing the ALL in yourself.
It was such a deep confirmation for me, a deeper coming home to myself and anchoring of my ‘I know, and I AM’. "

Look Book Non-Dual Immersion



I'd love to hear from you

Ingvild Molenaar, KAP, Kundalini Activation Process, Non-duality, Amsterdam, Nederland, Europe, Kundalini Bodywork

communication in 🇳🇱 and 🇬🇧🇺🇸

+31 6 16610981

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Ingvild Molenaar, KAP, Kundalini Activation Process, Non-duality, Amsterdam, Nederland, Europe, Kundalini Bodywork
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Ingvild Molenaar, KAP, Kundalini Activation Process, Non-duality, Amsterdam, Nederland, Europe, Kundalini Bodywork

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